Security 28/May/2024

Stay safe from tax scams

Navigating tax season can be daunting, and it's even more challenging with the rising threat of tax scams. But you can protect your personal information and financial security by staying informed and vigilant. There are 10 simple tips you can follow to help recognise and avoid common scams. From identifying phishing emails to reporting suspicious activity, these practical tips will empower you to safeguard your identity and prevent financial losses during tax season.

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Security 25/Jan/2022

COVID-19 Scams on the rise in Australia

With many people trying to relax after the rollercoaster year that was 2021 – scammers are hoping that you let your guard down and don’t think too much about giving them your personal information.

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Security 09/Nov/2021

Our 10 top tips for staying safe from scammers

Staying safe from scams sounds simple enough, but it can be easy to forget just how important it is to pay attention to every detail of your finances – and who has access to them! 

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Security 08/Nov/2020

Keeping yourself safe online

The digital world has opened doors and allows people to connect and engage like never before. With so many ways to connect online, there are unfortunately scammers online who are looking for opportunities to trick people out of their money.

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Security 02/Nov/2020

Business email compromise and invoice redirection fraud

Invoice redirection fraud is on the rise, with scammers impersonating businesses to send fraudulent emails to unsuspecting individuals and businesses.


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