An SMSF holding account where you can manage your SMSF cash and invest in term deposits, all from one place.
Earn a higher rate of interest when your balance is $10,000 or more.
Funds at call, access anytime without impacting interest rate.
Direct credit payments
Unlimited over-the-counter deposits.
Unlimited over-the-counter staff support for term deposit transfers
Unlimited online internal and external payee transfers
24-hour access to account available via Phone Banking, Internet Banking and Mobile Banking.
Link to a BankWAW transaction account for Visa Debit card access
Deposit interest is credited to the account monthly (last day).
To be eligible for the SMSF Saver, you will need to provide:
Your SMSF name and Australian Business Number (ABN)
Your company name, business address and Australian Company Number (ACN) if you have a company trustee
The full names and contact details for trustees or directors
Your personal ID e.g. Australian driver's licence or passport if you’re new to BankWAW or don’t have BankWAW Internet Banking.
Got questions? Give us a call on 1300 368 555 and we'll help you out.
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