$0 Annual or monthly fees

Pay for what you use

Unlimited repayments

Redraw available

What you get

  • Provides you a pre-approved limit to ensure you have funds available when investment opportunities arise, without having to re-apply

  • ​Make repayments over 1 year to 7 years

  • A loan that only charges interest on the amount you use

  • Redraw up to your limit at any time

  • Low, on-going variable rate

  • No annual or monthly account keeping fees

  • Flexible repayment options and unlimited additional repayments

    Estimate your interest rate with our personal loan calculator

    Interest rate ranges from 6.44% p.a. to 11.79% p.a.
    (Comparison rate ranges from 7.07% p.a. to 12.46% p.a.)

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Personal loan top-up fee
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