24 Hour conditional approval*

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Credit card alternative

A personal overdraft loan, also known as a personal line of credit, can help provide financial security and stability by covering unforeseen expenses brought about by issues encountered while traveling or on vacation, transitioning to a new home, and daily living costs. BankWAW offers low interest rates for secured facilities.

  • ​Lower interest rates for secured facilities

  • Interest calculated daily and charged at the end of month

  • Minimum monthly repayment of 5% of outstanding balance or $50 per month, whichever is the greater, for personal overdraft accounts.

  • ​Make repayments over 1 year to 7 years

Estimate your repayments with our personal loan calculator.

Interest rate ranges from 6.44% p.a. to 11.79% p.a.
(Comparison rate ranges from 7.07% p.a. to 12.46% p.a.)

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Personal loan establishment fee
Personal loan top-up fee
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