A personal overdraft loan, or personal line of credit, can be useful to help cover unforeseen expenses when travelling, relocating or just handling everyday living costs.
A personal overdraft loan, also known as a personal line of credit, can help provide financial security and stability by covering unforeseen expenses brought about by issues encountered while traveling or on vacation, transitioning to a new home, and daily living costs. BankWAW offers low interest rates for secured facilities.
Lower interest rates for secured facilities
Interest calculated daily and charged at the end of month
Minimum monthly repayment of 5% of outstanding balance or $50 per month, whichever is the greater, for personal overdraft accounts.
Make repayments over 1 year to 7 years
Estimate your repayments with our personal loan calculator. Interest rate ranges from 6.44% p.a. to 11.79% p.a. (Comparison rate ranges from 7.07% p.a. to 12.46% p.a.)
Got loan questions? Give us a call on 1300 368 555 and we'll help you out.
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